The advance copies look fantastic! I am so happy how the book turned out. Each theatrical Star Wars film gets at least 2 mazes, plus one Mandalorian and Black Spire Outpost on the inside cover.
This detail is from the Naboo maze, based fairly closely on the capital city.
Thank You For Posting Your Pictures
Great pictures of the book from all over! Thank you for sharing them! The last two are from bloggers who got a review copy of the German edition. You can read or translate the positive German reviews:
>Jaimees Welt
>Miss Foxy Reads
Facebook is now online!
The FB page for the book is now online!
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Up On Amazon
It's official! The book, From Here To There: A Book of Mazes to Wander and Explore, is on Amazon for pre-order! It will be out February 28, but you can ensure you get your copy!
Currently, the book is listed as a "hardcover", but it is not. That will be updated soon.
Check out the Amazon listing here.
Release Date!!
Chronicle has given me a Release Date! The book: From Here To There: A Book of Mazes to Wander and Explore, will be on sale Feb. 28! I know that is FOREVER from now. The advance copies will be going out sooner, early January. That's so specialty stores can see it and know that it is cool enough to put on their shelves. This is also when INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE with fat Twitter accounts get their copies too. If you have tons of social media followers and want to hold this book before anyone else, drop me a line!