For The Big Apple New York City and City By The Bay San Francisco puzzles from Galison
I enjoy jigsaw puzzles immensely, though I only build occasionally, maybe 4 or 6 a year. I had a blast assembling the NYC puzzle when I got my copy. It is surprisingly challenging, so I thought I would share some hints.
After assembling the edges, focus on the water boundaries and bridges. While working on these, you will probably discover many of the landmark buildings as well. But at this point, all the remaining pieces look the same!
Edges and water assembled. Now things get tricky!
Since we are in a city, the pieces have an obvious orientation! All the pieces in the puzzle are “opposing tabs” and are either tall/vertical or squat/horizontal. Separate the remaining pieces into these two groups. This will also help position any remaining water bits.
Galison puzzle pieces are all “opposite tabs” style. But orientation is super easy!
Notice about 2/3 of the remaining pieces have at least some part of a bright magenta bridge on them. Locate the partial bridges in the assembled puzzle and find the piece that matches.
The bridge color is unique, and often crosses an edge
You should have only a handful of pieces left! Hope this helps!