Translation News

Foreign editions are happening for Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Catalan, Russian and German!

Russian - Here To There: Book Mazes: a leisurely stroll through the streets, alleys and pathsGerman - From Here To There: Meditative Labyrinths

Russian - Here To There: Book Mazes: a leisurely stroll through the streets, alleys and paths
German - From Here To There: Meditative Labyrinths

German Translation Available Jan 11 !!

Get the German edition of the book, German Amazon has it up now!

Note that the German publishers, moses-verlag, changed the colors and the layout of the cover. I love the font they chose for the title! Visit their webpage and check out the catalogs. One of the catalog covers is especially great.

Note that the German publishers, moses-verlag, changed the colors and the layout of the cover. I love the font they chose for the title! Visit their webpage and check out the catalogs. One of the catalog covers is especially great.

In spring I had to make my text boxes wider for translation. I'm glad I did!

In spring I had to make my text boxes wider for translation. I'm glad I did!

Path Notation Update

I've finished inking the maze I showed off in August for the "Path Notation" entry.  Here is a detail of the top of that same section.  The working title is "Tall Rocks". 

My working titles are kind of boring.

Top detail of sketches I uploaded in August. With color, the paths will pop.  Promise.

Top detail of sketches I uploaded in August. With color, the paths will pop.  Promise.

Release Date!!

Chronicle has given me a Release Date! The book: From Here To There: A Book of Mazes to Wander and Explore, will be on sale Feb. 28! I know that is FOREVER from now. The advance copies will be going out sooner, early January.  That's so specialty stores can see it and know that it is cool enough to put on their shelves. This is also when INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE with fat Twitter accounts get their copies too. If you have tons of social media followers and want to hold this book before anyone else, drop me a line!

Spaceport Shipyard Update

Inking the big spaceport maze. I don't add color until the black is done. I've noted some things that will need to be addressed.

Currently I do all my "inking" on the computer. This is were I have to decide on the thickness of the black line. Typically, the thickness of the line depends on the detail of the maze. I thought this piece was super detailed, but once placed on a 1…

Currently I do all my "inking" on the computer. This is were I have to decide on the thickness of the black line. Typically, the thickness of the line depends on the detail of the maze. I thought this piece was super detailed, but once placed on a 18"x12" page, I realized the maze was not as detailed as I thought!

This shows the black layer over the original drawing, which is how I usually work. I've pointed out areas that will need attention before I'm done.

This shows the black layer over the original drawing, which is how I usually work. I've pointed out areas that will need attention before I'm done.

Path Notation

Although the mazes are often free-form and doodle-like, I need to keep track of the paths. Here is an example of my notations tracking paths alongside the final pencil drawing. Arrows are typically the "hero" path that will lead to the end. O's are paths open on both ends that I will eventually attach to a hero or false path. Letters or numbers refer to a specific fork, usually close to the start, so I know where to reconnect looping false paths or eventual solution paths.

Left: Path notations help keep track of the maze.  Right: Final maze layout with notations still visible.

Left: Path notations help keep track of the maze.  Right: Final maze layout with notations still visible.